Our Vision, Mission and Values were reviewed by the school family in the summer of 2023.
Our Vision Statement: ‘we live and learn by journeying with Mary to Jesus, for the greater glory of God‘ provides a sense of direction or vision for all members of our school. It encapsulates the central SANCTA (sacred) values and guiding beliefs that St Mary’s seeks to foster and promote. It is a touchstone for all relationships and interactions within the school community. It is our commitment to each other.
Our curriculum work is based upon the SANCTA values and the pathway forms the Mission Statement or the steps to support our school family to ‘journey with Mary to Jesus, for the greater glory of God’. AMDG is our motto and this acronym stands for the Latin expression Ad maiorem Dei gloriam – For the greater glory of God. Our mission and SANCTA values support us in striving for our vision.
Our vision, mission and SANCTA values are displayed around school. We refer to these during learning, assemblies and through collective worship opportunities and forms the cornerstone of our Behaviour Policy and our Behaviour Currciulum – ‘The St Mary’s Way’. We regularly carry out specific work and activities to help keep us focused on our faith and educational journey together.