
Chaplaincy Team

Our Faith Friends play a central role in supporting all members of the school community in their faith life.

Dan (our lay chaplain) and Mr Nish will regularly meet the children to plan Masses, share liturgies, write prayers and carry out charity work. Further to these activities, their role is to share their knowledge and expertise with others in school so all can join in with this central and defining characteristic of our Trust.

Some of our children are also Parish Ambassadors being the bridge between parish and school events. Ambassadors update parishioners about school events and encourage them the be involved in the Catholic life of the school. Likewise, the Ambassadors promote parish events in school and encourage participation in the life of both St Mary’s and Holy Spirit parishes.

Ultimately, their role is to support staff and students with the Catholic Life and Collective Worship of the school.

St Ralph Sherwin CMAT Chaplaincy Blog

View the latest news and keep up to date with what is happening in the SRSCMAT from our Chaplaincy Team.

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NDCYS - Nottingham Diocesan Catholic Youth Service YouTube Channel

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The Diocesan Youth Service have many live events for you to join in with.

I know you will also know many of the song they sing.