Our Pledge for 2024-2025
Our classes will keep in touch with and show care for the following community groups: local nursing and care homes, our neighbours and our local shops.
We will:
- Send welcome cards.
- Send Easter cards and Christmas cards.
- Send a written communication.
- Offer to sing at venues or send a recorded song to each setting.
Class Charities 2024-2025
Since 2012, we have matched each class with its own charity for the year. We aim for this to be an ongoing project, allowing the children to earn small amounts periodically whilst also raising the profile of, and finding out about, the work of their allocated organisation. We want the children to develop their understanding of the importance of considering the needs of others and how we can support people through prayer and information sharing, as well as raising money. We want our children to recognise that, in the words of St Mother Teresa of Calcutta, “It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving.”
Our class charities are: Charities will be voted by classes in September 2024 and published in October 2024
Year 6:
Class Charities of previous years
- Rainbows Hospice, Loughborough
- Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice, Sheffield
- Children in Need http://www.bbc.co.uk/childreninneed
- The British Legion – Our Y5 and Y6 pupils make beautiful felt poppies to sell in November
- UNICEF /https://www.unicef.org.uk/
- Keep Britain Tidy
- CAFOD (e.g. Syria Appeal, CAFOD’s Building Peace Project) www.cafod.org.uk
- Marple Memorial Park http://www.marplememorialpark.org.uk
- Retired Priests Fund
- Alzheimer’s Society
- Bloodwise (Formally Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research)
- Macmillan Cancer Care www.macmillan.org.uk
- The Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital’s Therapeutic Project www.rmchcharity.org.uk
- L’Arche https://www.larche.org.uk/
- Manchester’s Garden Appeal
- Signpost Young Carers in Stockport
- ARC in Romiley http://www.arc-cic.co.uk
- The Wellspring www.thewellspring.btck.co.uk
- Macmillan Cancer Care www.macmillan.org.uk
- Mission Together www.missiontogether.org.uk
- HUGS http://www.helpingugandaschools.or
- Mary’s Meals – helping children in poorer countries to have a school dinner http://www.marysmeals.org.uk
- The Tree House at Stepping Hill Hospital – our local hospital’s children’s ward http://www.stockport.nhs.uk/serviceview/49/paediatrics
- ACROSS – a charity to enable children to visit Lourdes http://across-uk.org
- Stockport Food Bank – helping local people to have enough food http://stockport.foodbank.org.uk
- St Vincent de Paul Society (Mini Vinnies) www.svp.org.uk
- The Book Bus – helping children overseas to read http://www.thebookbus.org
- Supporting families arriving from Afghanistan
- WWF https://support.wwf.org.uk/
- Adventure Farm Trust https://caft.co.uk/
- Water Aid https://www.wateraid.org/uk
- Cancer Research https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/
- SOFT UK https://www.soft.org.uk/
- Guide Dogs https://www.guidedogs.org.uk/