2023-2024 Curriculum

St Mary’s Catholic Voluntary Academy is a loving and supportive school where we learn to care for God’s world and each other. We challenge everyone to be the best person that they can be, following Jesus’ example to live out the Gospel Values; we have Mary as our role model.

Through a curriculum that offers a wide range of inspirational and engaging learning opportunities, we aim to create a community of inquisitive, independent and communicative learners equipped with all the tools needed to achieve, enjoy and contribute positively to life in the modern world.

The following school aims encapsulate and support our principles of curriculum design:
Support – Aspire – Nurture – Challenge – Trust – Achieve:



Explicit and meaningful links are made between learning within and across subjects and experiences.  This includes key aspects of English and Mathematics. Pupils are able to see how their learning links to the wider world and life beyond school.


Progression models focus on pupils’ developing knowledge and skills over time. There are clear models of teaching and learning in place that enable pupils to focus on acquiring knowledge at a deep level. Subject matter is taught in a way that is faithful to the rigours of the subject.


Learning is matched to the contextual needs of the pupils. Local, national and global issues are taken into account when planning and reviewing learning across the curriculum. The surrounding area is integral to learning experiences, including the highlights of trips and visitors.


The curriculum promotes excellence through the use of high-quality sources and models of working. Stimulating resources and activities are carefully planned to foster an enjoyment and love of learning. High quality texts underpin the drive for excellence, inspiring and motivating pupils to become life-long learners.


The curriculum promotes the spiritual and moral development of pupils. Pupils learn how to be resilient and reflective learners. They study a full curriculum which promotes creative, intellectual, emotional and physical development as equally important.

Our curriculum ensures that trips and visitors support pupils to gain a breadth of experience which enables full participation in society.


The curriculum offers a high level of challenge and support for all learners.

It is designed to give all learners, especially the most disadvantaged and those with special educational needs and disabilities, the vocabulary, knowledge and cultural capital that they need to succeed in life. Through sharing and collaboration, children learn to thrive within an inclusive environment, alongside their peers.

Principles of our Curriculum

Our Vision, Mission and Values